I am and have been supported by various people and agencies. In the following I will list some of these.
A great many people should rightly be named here, however I do enjoy my online privacy. One person who has helped me in uncountable ways, and who does not mind showing up here, is Simon.
My PhD position is funded largely by grants that my supervisor Emil Bergholtz has worked tirelessly for. The biggest funding agencies are the Swedish Research Council VR, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation KAW, and Göran Gustafsson's Foundation. I have received additional support from Gustaf and Ellen Kobb's and Svensson's funds.
My previous studies were generously supported by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. This allowed me to study abroad for one year during my undergrad, and to do a Master's in Cambridge afterwards, for which I'm particularly grateful.
This website runs on eleventy, a really cool piece of software. Note how I don't need any javascript! Well, you probably don't care, but I think that's cool.
Visually, I have taken a bunch of cues from Kate Morley's website, and Vincent Dörig's LaTeX.css style, which gives this website its comforting - to the physicist's gaze - look.