To go with my list of publications, I plan to add some more accessible commentary. All I currently have to show is this arXiv feed. If you find anything particularly interesting, or would like an explanation of something, do send me an email.
- [1] arXiv:2409.09153v2 [pdf]
Winding Topology of Multifold Exceptional Points
Tsuneya Yoshida, J. Lukas K. König, Lukas Rødland, Emil J. Bergholtz, Marcus Stålhammar
Phys. Rev. Research 7 (2025) L012021
Despite their ubiquity, a systematic classification of multifold exceptional points,
-fold spectral degeneracies (EP s), remains a significant unsolved problem. In this article, we characterize the Abelian eigenvalue topology of generic EP s and symmetry-protected EP s for arbitrary . The former and the latter emerge in a - and -dimensional parameter space, respectively. By introducing topological invariants called resultant winding numbers, we elucidate that these EP s are stable due to topology of a map from a base space (momentum or parameter space) to a sphere defined by resultants. In a -dimensional parameter space ( ), the resultant winding number topologically characterize a -dimensional manifold of generic [symmetry-protected] EP s whose codimension is [ ]. Our framework implies fundamental doubling theorems for both generic EP s and symmetry-protected EP s in -band models. - [2] arXiv:2410.08191v1 [pdf]
Photonic Non-Abelian Braid Monopole
Kunkun Wang, J. Lukas K. König, Kang Yang, Lei Xiao, Wei Yi, Emil J. Bergholtz, Peng Xue
Monopoles and braids are exotic but elusive aspects of fundamental theories of light and matter. In lattice systems, monopoles of band-structure degeneracies are subject to well-established no-go (doubling) theorems that appear to universally apply in closed Hermitian systems and open non-Hermitian systems alike. However, the non-Abelian braid topology of non-Hermitian multi-band systems provides a remarkable loophole to these constraints. Here we make use of this loophole, and experimentally implement, for the first time, a monopole degeneracy in a non-Hermitian three-band system in the form of a single third-order exceptional point. We explicitly demonstrate the intricate braiding topology and the non-Abelian fusion rules underlying the monopole degeneracy. The experiment is carried out using a new design of single-photon interferometry, enabling eigenstate and spectral resolutions for non-Hermitian multi-band systems with widely tunable parameters. Thus, the union of state-of-the-art experiments, fundamental theory, and everyday concepts such as braids paves the way toward the highly exotic non-Abelian topology unique to non-Hermitian settings.
- [3] arXiv:2309.14416v3 [pdf]
Homotopy, Symmetry, and Non-Hermitian Band Topology
Kang Yang, Zhi Li, J. Lukas K. König, Lukas Rødland, Marcus Stålhammar, Emil J. Bergholtz
Rep. Prog. Phys. 87 078002 (2024)
Non-Hermitian matrices are ubiquitous in the description of nature ranging from classical dissipative systems, including optical, electrical, and mechanical metamaterials, to scattering of waves and open quantum many-body systems. Seminal line-gap and point-gap classifications of non-Hermitian systems using K-theory have deepened the understanding of many physical phenomena. However, ample systems remain beyond this description; reference points and lines do not in general distinguish whether multiple non-Hermitian bands exhibit intriguing exceptional points, spectral braids and crossings. To address this we consider two different notions: non-Hermitian band gaps and separation gaps that crucially encompass a broad class of multi-band scenarios, enabling the description of generic band structures with symmetries. With these concepts, we provide a unified and comprehensive classification of both gapped and nodal systems in the presence of physically relevant parity-time (
) and pseudo-Hermitian symmetries using homotopy theory. This uncovers new stable topology stemming from both eigenvalues and wave functions, and remarkably also implies distinct fragile topological phases. In particular, we reveal different Abelian and non-Abelian phases in -symmetric systems, described by frame and braid topology. The corresponding invariants are robust to symmetry-preserving perturbations that do not induce (exceptional) degeneracy, and they also predict the deformation rules of nodal phases. We further demonstrate that spontaneous symmetry breaking is captured by Chern-Euler and Chern-Stiefel-Whitney descriptions, a fingerprint of unprecedented non-Hermitian topology previously overlooked. These results open the door for theoretical and experimental exploration of a rich variety of novel topological phenomena in a wide range of physical platforms. - [4] arXiv:2310.18269v2 [pdf]
Nodal phases in non-Hermitian wallpaper crystals
J. Lukas K. König, Felix Herber, Emil J. Bergholtz
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 051109 (2024)
Symmetry and non-Hermiticity play pivotal roles in photonic lattices. While symmetries such as parity-time (
) symmetry have attracted ample attention, more intricate crystalline symmetries have been neglected in comparison. Here, we investigate the impact of the 17 wallpaper space groups of two-dimensional crystals on non-Hermitian band structures. We show that the non-trivial space group representations enforce degeneracies at high symmetry points and dictate their dispersion away from these points. In combination with either or , the symmorphic p4mm symmetry, as well as the non-symmorphic p2mg, p2gg, and p4gm symmetries, protect novel exceptional chains intersecting at the pertinent high symmetry points. - [5] arXiv:2211.05788v2 [pdf]
Braid Protected Topological Band Structures with Unpaired Exceptional Points
J. Lukas K. König, Kang Yang, Jan Carl Budich, Emil J. Bergholtz
Phys. Rev. Research 5 (2023) L042010
We demonstrate the existence of topologically stable unpaired exceptional points (EPs), and construct simple non-Hermitian (NH) tight-binding models exemplifying such remarkable nodal phases. While fermion doubling, i.e. the necessity of compensating the topological charge of a stable nodal point by an anti-dote, rules out a direct counterpart of our findings in the realm of Hermitian semimetals, here we derive how noncommuting braids of complex energy levels may stabilize unpaired EPs. Drawing on this insight, we reveal the occurrence of a single, unpaired EP, manifested as a non-Abelian monopole in the Brillouin zone of a minimal three-band model. This third-order degeneracy represents a sweet spot within a larger topological phase that cannot be fully gapped by any local perturbation. Instead, it may only split into simpler (second-order) degeneracies that can only gap out by pairwise annihilation after having moved around inequivalent large circles of the Brillouin zone. Our results imply the incompleteness of a topological classification based on winding numbers, due to non-Abelian representations of the braid group intertwining three or more complex energy levels, and provide insights into the topological robustness of non-Hermitian systems and their non-Abelian phase transitions.